Welcome, New Student Midwives!

Fall term has officially begun! Monday and Tuesday are Orientation days for the new Sage (freshman) cohort, and we are so excited to have them on campus! Their first day of class is tomorrow, when they will officially begin their first semester as midwifery students. This term, they'll be taking Anatomy and Physiology I, Healthcare Skills I, Research and Public Health, Cultural Competency and Midwifery History Law and Rule.

There are 26 students in the Sage cohort and 3 new students who will be joining the Turquoise (Junior) cohort. Yesterday, during Orientation, they did a team-building exercise on the front lawn with Amy Vaknin, Core Instructor and FSTM Counselor. Check out photos of their "web of support" below.

Welcome to all of our new student midwives!
