The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) assures that students at FSTM have certain rights regarding their educations records. The information below explains these rights:

Right to REview & Inspect

FSTM students have the right to review and inspect the educational record within 45 days of the receipt of a request. Students should request access to their educational records in writing (email is preferred) to any administrative staff member. FSTM will make arrangements for the student to review their records.

RIght To Request Amendment

FSTM students have the right to request an amendment to their educational records if the student believes that the record is inaccurate, misleading, in violation of their privacy rights, or other concerns. If a student wants their record amended, they should notify the administration with the change and the reason it should occur. FSTM will hold a review meeting to discuss the amendments; the student has the right to be present at that meeting.

Right to Consent to Records Release

FSTM students have the right to provide written consent in advance of the institution disclosing personally identifiable information from the student record. This does not apply to those situations where FERPA authorizes or requires disclosure without consent. Those situations include school officials with a legitimate educational interest, student transfer requests, or the information is contained in directory information.