FSTM is committed to protecting the confidentiality of student records according to the provisions of federal, state, and institutional policies, including but not limited to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment.

These laws, rules, and regulations provide rights to students not only for privacy but also pertaining to how students access their educational records.

Directory Information

Directory information are details that can be released to the public. At FSTM, directory information is limited to the following:

  • Name

  • Address, including email

  • Phone number

  • Class

  • Major

  • Dates of attendance/enrollment

  • Dates of graduation

  • Diploma awarded

  • Participation in officially recognized activities

  • LM license number and status

FSTM routinely releases directory information. Student educational records can be released WITHOUT consent to school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the information. School officials include:

  • An employee of FSTM in an administrative, supervisory, academic, or support position;

  • A board member of FSTM;

  • Persons employed under contract at FSTM to serve a special task, such as an auditor or an attorney.

Students may request that FSTM withhold directory information by completing the Request to Withhold Directory Information Form.

Legitimate Educational Interest

Legitimate educational interest applies when the person requires the information to perform their job functions or to ensure that the mission/vision of FSTM is properly performing.

FSTM also may disclose information without consent when required or permitted under applicable federal and state law.

Student Rights to Review

FSTM students have the right to review their educational records for information and to determine accuracy. If a student believes that their educational record has errors, is missing information, is misleading, or in violation of their rights, they can request that FSTM amend the educational record. Students should consult the FSTM Student Handbook for more information regarding access to and maintenance of student records.

If a student believes that FSTM has not maintained confidentiality of their educational record as required by law, they may file a complaint by contacting:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-5901