advanced standing for nurses

Please note: Advanced standing RNs begin the program during the summer term. Applications must submitted by January 1.

FSTM Advanced Standing provides nurses with the opportunity to receive credit for academic coursework completed at other colleges, universities, or programs. 

At this time, registered Nurses (RN) with a current and unrestricted license are awarded 19 credit hours automatically and free of charge. In some cases, FSTM may consider highly qualified candidates with an unrestricted, active licensed practical nurse (LPN) credential for advanced standing. 

Please view our curriculum here. Advanced Standing RN students begin the program during the Summer term as Year 1 Term 3 students taking:

  • 1110 Midwifery History, Law & Rule 

  • 1301 Reproductive A&P/Lab

  • Clinical lab (optional)

They then continue on to the following semester (Fall) as Year 2 students.

The courses automatically granted for Advanced Standing are:

  • 1101/1101L Anatomy and Physiology I & Lab

  • 1103/1103L Healthcare Skills I & Lab

  • 1109 Research and Public Health

  • 1201/1201L Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab

  • 1203/1103L Healthcare Skills II/Lab

  • 2201/2201L Microbiology/Lab

  • 2105 Psychology for Midwives

  • 2303 Pharmacology

  • 1306 Interpersonal Communication

  • 2101 Nutrition for the Childbearing Year

  • 1204 Human Sexuality for Midwives

Students may opt out of accepting automatic Advanced Standing for RNs if they choose.

While advanced standing nurses can complete the program in just over two years, they are still required to complete the same amount of clinical experience, clinical hours and clinical credits (this is regulated by midwifery licensure law in Florida) as dictated by the three-year program. Some students will need to take an extra semester of Clinical Lab after the last academic semester in order to finish these requirements.

If you are a nurse interested in beginning as a Year 1 Term 3 student during the summer term, please email to inquire about the application process. Please note that Advanced Standing Nurses are exempt from the Medical Terminology course prerequisite.

Advanced standing RN applicants must submit applications by January 1.